Sex & the Strong Women Who Get Weak Over it (By Adriana Blair & Keaidy Bennett)


Image of Sex & the Strong Women Who Get Weak Over it (By Adriana Blair & Keaidy Bennett)

Sex: It's the most basic instinct. The most primal need. And sometimes, no matter how independent you are, no matter how tough you are, you just need it. Now. And Olivia Perez and Karen Sanders are no exception. Behind the professional and buttoned-up facade lurks a dirty, dirty secret: They have a weakness for sex. It's their undoing. It's the one thing in their lives they can't control.

Punishable by Law (By: Adriana Blair)
A young, hot-shot attorney who just made partner, Karen Sanders is at the top of her game. But when a new associate attorney joins her firm, he will make her question everything she knows about what it means to have power. He pushes all of her buttons and she can't decide whether she loves it or hates it. She has met her match. And she has no idea what to do about it.

Nympho (By: Keaidy Bennett)
Olivia Perez owns a successful public relations firm. She also has an insatiable appetite for sex. She will do it anytime, anywhere and with just about anyone – well, as long as he is built nicely, of course. She is a woman addicted. And she doesn't see any problem with that until she discovers the consequences of her actions. Can she be saved from herself and finally enjoy true love or is it too late?
