
My name is Keaidy Bennett. (Don't bite your tongue trying to figure out how to say my first name! It's pronounced like Katie it's just really unique - kinda like me). I'm a mom, entrepreneur, performing poet, author, Jesus freak, and professional failure (yes you read that right, and yes I am proud of it!)

This blog, that you fortunately stumbled upon, has been my source of sanity for the last 2 years.
Why you ask? Well it's because I am the Queen of making mistakes. My readers will tell you that I give great advice. (Don't believe me? Just try it for yourself.) The only reason I'm so great with advice is because I've officially broken up with my fears of failure. (Amongst all of my other breaks up - don't judge me though. My failures in relationships have proven to be very beneficial for my readers) The fun part about keeping up with my blog/readers is also trying to run a business, raise a baby, and manage to have my own love life.

With this blog, ChasingABabyAndADream.com, I share with you all my experiences, lessons, and advice from my many failures. I share my testimony openly with all of you because if someone can avoid making some of the mistakes I've made, then it makes the pain I suffered through for the lesson worth it. I find it very rewarding that my pains make great blog posts, songs, and novels.

Speaking of books, in my poetry book, The Chronicles of a Love Addict, I openly talk about being dangerously in love with a dangerous man. He broke a bone, left me bruised, broken, and broke, yet through that struggle I learned the lesson that anything the enemy meant to destroy me - God can turn around for His glory. In my urban fiction series, Charge it to the Game, I share even more of my testimony in a way that allows me to be more free. (Honestly, the statute of limitations isn't up yet on a lot of my mistakes, so it's easier to write my truth in a fiction novel.) Finally, in Sex & the Strong Women Who Get Weak Over it. I took all of my sexual frustrations during a year of celibacy and put it into a shorty story with another amazing novelist. My books are truly a part of me because it's how I share my deepest darkest fears, wants, dreams, desires, truth, and how I help fund my charity, Positive V.I.B.E Orlando.

Chasing a baby & a dream is not easy, but it's always worth it. Thank you so much to my loyal readers who have been a part of this journey with me each step of the way. I love you more than I'll ever be able to express it *kisses!

-Keaidy Bennett                                   

Owner of CABAAD                       

